The Truth About Americas Immigrants

ECON for everyone
3 min readMay 13, 2021

America is a nation of immigrants. From the early 17th century, all the way to the modern day, America has always been tolerant to its large displacement of people. It’s our strength. Most Americans comprehend the fact that our diversity is strength. Political turmoil, however, is destroying the assumption that most Americans have lived by. Conservative right wing figures have demonstrated their resentment towards illegal, and even legal immigration. Cultural changes are a common excuse for conservatives who see a problem. While one can argue about the effects of demographic change as a result of immigration, there is no argument that immigrants hurt the economy. There has been substantial evidence to prove that immigration does not reduce native born employment rates. Without immigrants, there may also be shortages of labor. For example, in the deep south, the government intended to remove many undocumented immigramts. A strong Republican powerhouse, there harsh stance on illegal immigration hurt them. There were labour shortages, and in just a matter of months, these workers were granted citizenship. It shows the level of ignorance that some Americans possess. For years, immigrants have done the jobs that Americans despise. Removing all illegal immigrants will have devastating consequences on the economy,s specifically with respect to manufacturing and gdp. If all illegal immigrants are forced to return to their original countries, there will be a significant number of job shortages in America as not all the slots can be replaced by enough Americans in a time frame that wouldn’t harm the current state of the economy. A common complain wight Americans is that the GDP growth, secpfically in this modern century, has been worse due to a decline in manufacturing jobs. This is absltutly true, as more Americans have entered sectors of the economy thatare heavily tech orientated as they represent the future as well as higher wages. According to the statistics provided by, immigrants added 2 trillion dollars to the US GDP in 2016. A staggering 450 billion dollars in tax money were added by immigrant households, rejecting the assumption that a majority of immigrants are ruthless criminals. Immigrants are also proven to commit less crimes than native born Americans. The narrative stressed on by right wing media represents a dangerous environment for immigrants to propser. The language used by some anchors have been demeaning and invoke fear in a community that largely complies with the law in America. Aside from comprising of a substantial amount of manufacturing and lower end jobs, imigrants have also been proven to be excellent entrepreneur, hiring millions of Americans over the years. Children of immigrants are also generally more determiend to suceed academcially, with 42% of native born immgrant children possessing a college degree. Americas economic success is largely rooted in the combination of different cultures, strategies, and concepts practiced all around the world that make this country great. These people have a high chance of rising to the one percent of the country, which comprises of multi millionaires and billionaires. Conservatives have a base of these types of people, so a resentment of immigrants perplexing many. Hating a group that makes America richer starts to raise concerns over the true reason behind the rhetoric. Weather one could argue about the effects of imigration of American culture and language, it is factually incorrect to blatantently claim that immigrants hurt the economy, or steal jobs from Americans. Nuermosu statistics have refuted this narrative for years now. The hate must stop.



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